Marin County Fair

July 1–5, 2015, at the Marin County Civic Center Fairgrounds, Hwy 101 at N. San Pedro Rd., San Rafael, California — way fun!!

Yippee, all four of my entries to the Marin County Fair adult fine art and photography exhibit were juried in. It’s always an honor to be accepted in this high-quality exhibit. I’ve received several ribbons and special awards over the years and sold something(s) almost every year. My mixed-media Brubeck pair, a digital abstract on aluminum, and a photomontage on canvas were accepted:


Inspired by local news

The Marin Society of Artists and the Marin Independent Journal sponsored the current show at MSA’s gallery: “Artists’ View of the News” (June 4–July 3, 2015; Marin Art and Garden Center, Ross, California). My two entries were inspired by two controversial actions taken by the City of San Rafael: enforcing the massage ordinance in order to shut down sex parlors posing as massage businesses; and closing a city park for three months to clean it and discouraging the return of homeless patrons who had trashed it.


What They Left Behind Archival inkjet print mounted on cradled birch panel, 12 in. x 12 in. x 1.5 in. Digital photomontage comprising photographed and scanned items found in San Rafael’s Boyd Memorial Park. In January 2015 the city closed the park for three months to clean it out and discourage the return of homeless patrons who had effectively taken it over. When the park reopened in April, I found drug paraphernalia that escaped the parks department’s cleaning crew. Items included in this work: Ace of Spades Ziploc bag; used and unused syringes; empty saline solution tube; vodka bottle label; beer bottle caps; rubber duck.


Emerald Spa Archival inkjet print of digital photograph 6 in. x 8 in., matted and framed 11 in. x 13 in. In 2013 the City of San Rafael began enforcing its massage ordinance in order to shut down sex parlors posing as massage businesses. One of the closed sex parlors was Emerald Spa at the corner of Second and A Sts. The floor-to-ceiling drapes that covered the storefront are now gone, revealing the pink and orange walls and little windowless rooms. The afternoon sun now illuminates the formerly shady space.


Happy nose, happy dots

Marin Open Studios is done for 2015 and this is one happy artist. Thanks to patrons and friends who came by to support participating artists throughout the county (including yours truly). I’m taking the week off and plan to be back in my studio the following week to pick up where I left off on several paintings.  


VIP Preview Party pix

Marin Magazine photographer Mo DeLong snapped a nice picture of me and Ethan Browning Jr. in my studio, and two party guests standing against my work (first framed print by Joanne Harwood, Studio 10) in the 1331 hallway of Art Works Downtown. Fun night!

Photo by Mo Delong, Marin Magazine

Photo by Mo Delong, Marin Magazine

Photo by Mo Delong, Marin Magazine

Photo by Mo Delong, Marin Magazine

Final weekend for Marin Open Studios + Art Walk!

So very nice to see those of you who visited me and all the artists at Art Works Downtown last week for the first Marin Open Studios weekend. It was fun, busy, and successful!  ::does happy dance::

And here we are, the final weekend of Open Studios (Sat.–Sun., May 9–10, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.) — plus tomorrow night, Friday, May 8, is our monthly art walk from 5 to 8 p.m. Hope you can come!

Below is a printable version of my business card showing my studio info plus the 2nd Friday Art Walk and Marin Open Studios dates for this year and next. A keepsake for sure!  😉

(Other than these open studios events, I don’t keep regular studio hours, so please call, text, or email me if you’d like to drop by, any time at all. Keep checking here for updates.)

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend
and thank you for supporting the arts,

2nd Friday Art Walk and Marin Open Studios dates for 2015–16

Suzanne’s studio info plus 2nd Friday Art Walk and Marin Open Studios dates for 2015–16

Studio 9’s art-full walls

Panoramic photo of my studio. Walls are full of art and ready for Marin Open Studios, starting this weekend.

Studio 9 panorama

Marin Open Studios and May art events

Just a reminder that Marin Open Studios begins this weekend, May 2 and 3, and continues the following weekend, May 9 and 10. (Read more about MOS at the bottom* of this post.)

I’ll be in my studio both weekends — please drop by. I’ve got a lot of work on display — photographs, giclée prints, collages, acrylic paintings, and new and favorite digital images printed on aluminum and on maple panels (très cool!) — and I’d love to see to you.

Find me at Studio 9 in the awesome Art Works Downtown building at 1337 Fourth St., between C and D Sts., in beautiful downtown San Rafael. (Easiest access to my studio is straight through the Marin Jewelers Guild at 1331 Fourth St.) I’ve been here for five years now and it just keeps getting better.

In addition to four days of Open Studios, there are two evenings of related arts events:

Friday, May 1, from 5 to 8 p.m.
Art Works Downtown is hosting their second VIP Preview Party to recognize and celebrate AWD artists and guest artists who are participating in Marin Open Studios. If you would like to attend for free as my guest, let me know by Wed., April 29, so I can get you registered and pick up your tickets. Last year’s party was a blast. For more info, visit

Saturday and Sunday, May 2 and 3, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
First weekend of Marin Open Studios. I and two dozen other artists are in our studios and galleries at AWD both days. So much to see, and all under one roof.
Note: Saturday, May 2, is also the annual May Madness classic car show and parade on Fourth St. (12 to 6 p.m.), so be aware if traffic seems tight on surrounding streets. This will not inhibit your access to my studio. Plenty of parking lots and garages from one to three blocks from my studio. The parade (at 5 p.m.) is really fun.

Friday, May 8, from 5 to 8 p.m.
It’s 2nd Friday Art Walk, downtown San Rafael’s monthly event, headquartered at Art Works Downtown. Always a popular event!

Saturday and Sunday, May 9 and 10, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Second weekend of Marin Open Studios. I’ll be in my studio both days. Sunday is Mother’s Day. We see lots of folks bringing their moms for brunch at Green Chile Kitchen (next door to my studio) followed by an afternoon of art. Sweet!

Looking forward to seeing you soon
and thank you for supporting the arts,

*Now in its 22nd year, Marin Open Studios is the county’s favorite arts event of the year. Hundreds of participating artists open their studios and welcome art lovers to see and purchase art directly from the artist. Believe it or not, this successful event is run entirely by—gasp—artists!
MOS has transformed 302 Bon Air Center in Greenbrae into an delightful gallery. Each participating artist has one representative work on display. Visitors can view art, pick up tour guides, and decide which artists they’d like to visit on the weekends. The gallery is open every day except Mondays from 11a to 6p, through May 11. The space is the former Wipe Out restaurant (Chevy’s, before that), a few doors west of CVS.
For more info, visit their web site,

Pop-up gallery is open, 302 Bon Air Center

Fulfilled my volunteer requirement at Marin Open Studios‘ gallery in Greenbrae yesterday. The gallery fills the former Wipe Out restaurant space (and before that, a Chevy’s restaurant) so the remaining fixtures give the gallery a funky feel. TONS of art! It’s open Tuesdays through Sundays through May 10 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can see art by all participating artists and get lots of info.  Wish I could take credit for, or afford to buy, the Dalai Lama paper sculpture, it’s my favorite piece!


VIP Preview Party — free tickets

rt Works Downtown is hosting their second annual Marin Open Studios VIP Preview Party on Friday, May 1. We studio artists are given a handful of tickets for our friends and patrons.

Last year’s party was a blast. You won’t want to miss it this year! Let me know if you’d like to attend as my guest.

VIP Preview Party Invitation

New prints, getting ready for open studios in May

Hustling to get some new images produced and some favorite digital abstracts printed on new media. Here are Canyon Song, newly printed on aluminum, and China Camp Remixed, my first piece printed on wood. Looks cool! More to come!



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